Alex Sullivan Hartford
Alex Sullivan Hartford
Woodlot licence 0025 was awarded to the Hartford family in 1987. The woodlot consists of a total of 400 hectares on four separate pieces of crown land: one at Gowlland Harbour, one on Smith Road, and two on Valdes Road. The annual allowable cut is 3300 cubic metres. Woodlot 0025 is administered by Hartford Logging Ltd. In the early years, harvesting involved thinning from below in coniferous stands and rehabilitation of decadent alder. Extensive roadbuilding was undertaken to enable future access to timber. Currently harvesting takes place in small patch cuts. In the first thirty years, 90,000 cubic metres of timber was harvested from the woodlot, and nearly 200,000 seedlings were planted.
Recreation in W0025
As the woodlot is situated in the urban interface, recreation is an important consideration. Two well-used trails provide access to the forest for Quadra Islanders and visitors to the island. The Haskin Farm Trail, on Smith Road, provides a circuit through the woods, down to the beach, and back on the logging road, with Tod’s Trail, for mountain bikers, looping off to the north. The Shellalligan Pass Trail, at the Open Bay block on Valdes Road, includes a forest walk and a hike over the coastal headlands between Shellalligan Pass and Village Bay. The public is always welcome to explore this woodlot, however attention must be paid to signage warning of active logging.
Lillooet gets a tour of her new machine from Grandpa.