Rockview Resources Ltd.
John & Coleen Marlow
Woodlot Licence W1611 was awarded to John & Coleen Marlow in 1998 and is administered by Rockview Resources Ltd., their family held company. The woodlot licence consists of two 200 hectare sections: one on Heriot Ridge accessed off Upper Gowlland Harbour Rd, and the other on Valdez Road, with a total annual allowable cut of 2800 m3.
John and Coleen moved to Quadra Island in 1995 to raise their three children: Ceilidh, Arran, and Mairi. Twenty-five years later, they are just as happy with the slow pace of island life & committed to volunteering throughout the community. As long time community members, John and Coleen are committed to sustainability and reflecting local values in their forest management, annual harvesting, and development of community recreation trails. Coleen is also a director on the Discovery Island Chamber of Commerce, President of the North Island Woodlot Association, and a faculty member of the North Island College Coastal Forest Resource department.
John and Coleen are both Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) and hold Honours Bachelor of Science Degrees in Forestry. Professionally, they both have employment experience in private industry, federal and provincial government, international forest management, and private consulting. Rockview Resources Ltd. is a small forest consulting firm owned by John and Coleen and has provided consulting services to the forest industry for 22 years. Rockview Resources Ltd provides consulting services to more than 20 other woodlot licences throughout the province, including management and silviculture planning, silviculture reporting (RESULTS), timber supply analysis and mapping.
GH Maps updated Jan 27, 2021 to show Heriot Ridge Sensitive Area
At the 9:00 minute mark, check out John & Coleen touring students from UPenn around their woodlot on Quadra Island.
Video courtesy of Andreas and Danielle Hagen of Study-Build Ltd. An Excerpt/Collage of UPenn Visit for UNM.
For detailed information about our woodlot operations, please feel free to contact us using the information below. We are always available for site visits, to answer questions, or to help in any way!
Phone: 250-285-2520
Email: cmarlow@gicable.com / jmarlow@gicable.com